125 organizations across Oregon endorse Measure 117.

Oregon voters filling out ballot and ranking candidates in order of preference, after measure 117 passes

Measure 117 will give us more voice and more choice in our elections

animation of candidates to help visualize ballot rankings

Vote for the candidate you truly like best

Right now, voting often feels like choosing between the lesser of two evils. And if you do vote for the candidate you feel passionate about, it often feels like throwing away your vote because they have no chance of winning. Measure 117 changes that. Having the option to rank our candidates in order of preference gives us the power to vote for who you want, how you want.

megaphone that emphasize giving power back to voters

Give power back to Oregon voters

We all know there’s something wrong with our political system. Elections are too divisive these days and, once in power, politicians rarely put aside their differences to get things done for Oregonians. Measure 117 gives power back to the voters. That’s because ranked choice voting allows us to vote for leaders who are accountable to our communities, not special interests.

visual of trophy on top of a bar that has cleared a 50% vote threshold, emphasizing that Oregon's measure 117 establishes a system where candidates have to earn 50% of the vote to win

Candidates need a majority to win

Currently, when many candidates are running, a candidate can win with just 30% of the vote – meaning most people voted for someone else. That’s not a majority. Measure 117 fixes that by guaranteeing that the winning candidate is supported by the most voters and has over 50% of the vote. Because when we rank candidates, our vote still counts even if our first choice doesn’t win. That makes sure you have always have a voice in who is elected.

Animation of hand filling out an example ballot by ranking candidates in order of preference

What is ranked choice voting?

Here’s how it works. You have the option to rank candidates in order of preference: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on. You can choose to rank your favorite candidates, or choose just one – like you do now.

If your first-choice receives more than half of the vote, they win! If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is defeated, and ballots are instantly counted for your next choice. This continues until someone wins over 50% of the vote, ensuring that the winning candidate is the one who earns support from the most Oregonians!

Ranked choice voting is used in over 50 places across the United States – including Oregon’s own Benton County!